Usage examples

Basic Use (New/v2 API)

Basic usage of Sit2StandPy to detect transitions in the sample data, using the version 2 API

>>> import sit2standpy as s2s

>>> # transform the data into the appropriate format for H5 or dictionary
>>> # note that "data_transform_function" is your own function to achieve the
>>> # appropriate format
>>> # if you are looking for a quick example data loader function, you can
>>> # use the one at
>>> #
>>> data = <data_transform/loader_function>(acceleration_data)
>>> sequence = s2s.v2.Sequential()
>>> # window the data into days using only the hours from 8:00 to 20:00
>>> sequence.add(s2s.v2.WindowDays(hours=[8, 20]))
>>> # Do the initial filtering and processing required
>>> sequence.add(s2s.v2.AccelerationFilter())
>>> # Detect the transitions using the stillness constraint
>>> sequence.add(s2s.v2.Detector(stillness_constraint=True))
>>> sequence.predict(data)  # predict and save the results into data
>>> # tabulate the results to a csv for easy reading
>>> s2s.v2.tabulate_results(data, path_to_csv_output, method='stillness')

Basic Use (Old/v1 API)

Basic usage of Sit2StandPy to detect transitions in sample data:

>>> import sit2standpy as s2s
>>> import numpy as np  # importing sample data
>>> from sys import version_info
>>> if version_info < (3, 7):
>>>     from pkg_resources import resource_filename
>>> else:
>>>     from importlib import resources
>>> # locate the sample data and load it (depending on python version)
>>> if version_info < (3, 7):
>>>     file_path = resource_filename('sit2standpy', 'data/sample.csv')
>>>     data = np.loadtxt(file_path, delimiter=',')
>>> else:
>>>     with resources.path('', 'sample.csv') as file_path:
>>>         data = np.loadtxt(file_path, delimiter=',')
>>> # separate the stored sample data
>>> time = data[:, 0]
>>> accel = data[:, 1:]
>>> # initialize the framework for detection
>>> ths = {'stand displacement': 0.125, 'transition velocity': 0.3, 'accel moving avg': 0.15,
>>>                    'accel moving std': 0.1, 'jerk moving avg': 2.5, 'jerk moving std': 3}
>>> sts = s2s.Sit2Stand(method='stillness', gravity=9.84, thresholds=ths, long_still=0.3, still_window=0.3,
>>>                     duration_factor=4, displacement_factor=0.6, lmin_kwargs={'height': -9.5}, power_band=[0, 0.5],
>>>                     power_peak_kwargs={'distance': 128}, power_stdev_height=True)
>>> # run the sit-to-stand detection
>>> SiSt = sts.apply(accel, time, time_units='us')
>>> # print the list of Transition objects, stored as a dictionary with the time they occurred
>>> print(SiSt)

Advanced Examples (Old/v1 API)

Using sit2standpy.Sit2Stand() automatically does all the preprocessing, filtering, and sit-to-stand transition detection for the user. However, this can be broken up into the constituent parts - preprocessing, filtering, and detection.

>>> import sit2standpy as s2s
>>> from packages_for_importing_data import your_import_data_function
>>> # due to the size of multi day files, no samples are provided with sit2standpy
>>> accel, time = your_import_data_function()
>>> # PREPROCESSING : conversion of timestamps, and windowing the data
>>> timestamps, dt, acc_win = s2s.process_timestamps(time, accel,
>>>                                                  time_units='us',  # time is in microseconds since the epoch
>>>                                                  window=True,  # window the data
>>>                                                  hours=('08:00', '20:00'))  # use data from 8am to 8pm each day
>>> # setup filter
>>> afilt = s2s.AccelerationFilter(power_band=[0, 0.5], power_peak_kw={'distance': 128})
>>> # filter the windowed data, iterating over the days
>>> filt_acc, rm_acc, power_peaks = {}, {}, {}
>>> for day in acc_win.keys():  # dictionary of data for each day, since data was windowed
>>>     filt_acc[day], rm_acc[day], _, power_peaks[day] = afilt.apply(acc_win[day], 1 / dt)
>>> # setup the detection of the transitions
>>> still_detect = s2s.detectors.Stillness()  # use the default values
>>> sist = {}
>>> for day in filt_acc.keys():
>>>     day_sist = still_detect.apply(acc_win[day], filt_acc[day], rm_acc[day], timestamps[day], dt,
>>>                                   power_peaks[day])
>>>     sist.update(day_sist)